Where the Amish Live, Work, and Play: An Authentic Visit

So you’ve arrived in Lancaster County. Amish Country. You see the buggies swaying down the back roads. You might even come across a road-side produce stand and buy some fresh vegetables from a kindly Amish family. But, how do you really interact with the Amish community? How do you really learn about their way of life in an authentic, non-commercial setting?

The Amish Experience provides guided tours which arrange for just such a visit and interaction. The VIP (Visit-in-Person) Tour departs each day of the week except for Sunday. It is a three hour tour where visitors (never more than 14 people at a time) visit three different Amish properties. A dairy farm at milking time, a craftsman in their workshop, and a family in their home. At each stop the visitors hear from the Amish community members themselves how they do what they do, what their way of life is like, and the Amish answer guest questions in an informal Q&A format.

Reservations can be made online at AmishExperience.com or by phone at 717-768-8400 ext. 211.