“An Age of Wisdom passed on By Our Elders” –“Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!”
By Edward Blanchette
Sometimes, I drive through “Amish Country” and I find myself thinking how this or another community came about. From its humblest beginning to what it may be now. Being a team coach for youth sports, an organizational communicator, as well as collaborating with multiple community business leaders within their respective communities. Sometimes we need to break things down to a simpler understanding, to realize how our community works. Specifically understanding where they come from. The values they embrace. And how they work together in tandem to find their respective successes as a community.
Many of those communities have been around since the 1,700’s and 1,800’s respectively, especially in Lancaster County, and those counties that surround it. Some communities may have started before then, some may have started later. But my point is, a group of people had to start somewhere and at sometime to say, this is where we should start a community of people to strive & survive. In the past, most people would look to the elders of any respective group for guidance, be it a Pastor or Deacon of a church group or a philanthropist or group of philanthropists from another community that wanted to branch out to create a new community of their own. So, whether you were in the City, Town, Burrough, or Village, there was usually an elder group or council that worked behind the scenes to give guidance and assist in strengthening to build those values held dear by that respective community.
Since then, the way the age of wisdom has been passed down from our elders has changed. Values have been remolded, here and there, to fit the needs of any given community. The way we communicate has also changed, not always for the better and not necessarily for the worse, but that depends on your point of view. One thing remains consistent, Communities that work together, stay together, and because of that they continue to thrive. It may sound corny but the old saying, “Teamwork Makes The Dream Work” still holds true, as we are all in this together! So, the next time you find yourself driving in “Amish Country” be it by path, road, or highway, take a moment to remember those wise Elders that helped to assist all of our communities to thrive & survive and make them what they are today.
Be well, stay positive, and be kind to each other!